DOMINUS 16 / 32

Bringing more and more
benefits to customers.

Enter the world of high-precision with Dominus 16/32S. Designed to deliver high image quality and advanced dose reduction for maximum diagnostic versatility.
  • Virtual Endoscopy
  • Brain Perfusion
  • Tumor Assessment
  • Lung Function Analysis
  • Cardiac Calcium Scoring
  • Coronary Analysis

High quality thin-slice images

With iterative reconstruction technology

Full- range application

Advanced visualization solution with post-processing workstation

The SG Healthcare Workstation is an advanced visualization workstation that offers an integrated solution for muti-modalities and clinical domains to help you work quickly with increased diagnostic confidence

Chest 3D VRT

Hand 3D VRT

Lower Extremity MPR

Tibia SSD


Spine 3D VRT

Pelvis 3D VRT

Head 3D VRT

Advanced Visualization Solution

Making it easy for healthcare providers to share patient images,
collaborate on clinical workflows, and communicate diagnosis report.

Post-processing collaboration, powered by SG Healthcare clinical packages and tools.
Puts PACS system and workstation together with innovative cloud solution.

Consultation and support
with remote access available


24/7 monitoring
Remote upgrade for the latest software and firmware

Total Solution CT
Dominus 16/32

Total Solution CT
Dominus 16/32